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WSST Awards - Due the 1st Friday of Decemeber


This award may be given annually to honor a person who has made outstanding contributions in science education over a long and distinguished career in Wisconsin.  This is the WSST’s most prestigious award. Those eligible would include elementary, secondary, or college teachers and any other active support of science education.  The award is a plaque to be presented at the WSST conference, dinner for themselves and 1 guest at the conference banquet, and a lifetime membership in WSST.   

excellence in science teaching

The purpose of this award is to foster excellence in science instruction and to recognize that excellence. The award is given annually to persons who have made outstanding contributions to the improvement of science education in Wisconsin.  This would include elementary, secondary or college teachers, and any other active supporters of science education.  The award consists of a plaque to be presented at the WSST spring conference and a one-year membership in WSST, and dinner for themselves at the banquet.

Friends of science education

The intent of this award is to recognize outstanding contributions to the support of science teachers by individuals, groups. corporations, foundations, etc., outside the science education community. The award is a plaque to be presented at the WSST spring conference.


Administrator award

The WSST Administrator Award was designed to acknowledge the superior K-12 Principals, Vice Principals, Curriculum directors and District Superintendents who promote, showcase and support science education. Nominators should choose a candidate that understands the unique nature of science education, and goes above and beyond the call of duty to offer teachers of science the creativity, time, and resources to develop a dynamic science classroom. They should be strongly involved in the development of curriculum, in supporting and engaging in teacher instruction, and an advocate for professional development and engagement.


The Rumford Memorial Award was established to showcase  a science teacher that has been a member of WSST for at least 10 years, made Presentations at least once during the spring convention, served productively for at least 4 years as an officer, committee chair or district representative. 

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