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Opportunities & Resources

WAEE Virtual Winter Social!
We sure miss spending time together and although we can’t meet in person, please join us for our very first On Saturday, January 30th, be...

KidWind Challenge
Educators and students alike search for hands-on learning experiences during remote learning and social distancing. With registration now...

Virtual Science Strikes Back 2021
A community science fair open to all. Submit a project to be on or our presenters. Entry cost is $25 per group. Become a Sponsor -...

3-D Molecular Design presenting at our Jan 27th virtual session
Translation & Sickle Cell Anemia Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6:00 PM Central REGISTER NOW A Tale of Two Sisters, Modeling...

Online STEM Learning
NSF Invites Public Participation Around Online STEM Learning: Learning Gains and Assessing Success This listening session is an...

You Be The Chemist Challenge
The deadline to register for the You Be The Chemist Challenge® has been extended to January 15! What is the Challenge? Team-based, free,...

Wonder of Physics Video Contest
You are invited to submit a 2-minute video demonstrating a physics concept. Awards will be given for the best videos, and winners will be...

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