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Opportunities & Resources

The WSST Store Is Now Open!
Check it out and order your WSST gear. Squad Locker has given us a code that is good for 15% off purchases in the store until May 15th,...

2021 UW-Madison Science Expedition
Come explore UW-Madison - your public land-grant research university - and experience science as exploring the unknown. Interact with...

Nominations needed for Energy Educator of the Year - Deadline is April 10, 2021
Two awardees will be selected Energy Educator of the Year and will receive $1,000 (payable to their school or organization) to be applied...

2021 Menominee Adventure Field Experience - MESTA and WSST - August 2-5, 2021
Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association (MESTA) has invited all members of WSST to join them on their 2021 Menominee Adventure Field...

Master's Degree in Applied Biotechnology online
If you’re curious about what it’s like to earn a master's degree in Applied Biotechnology online, join us! Get an inside look at one of...

Citizen Science Month
April marks the arrival of Citizen Science Month, a coordinated effort to promote opportunities to participate in citizen science across...

Summer Institute for Climate Change Education
Summer Institute for Climate Change Education Climate Generation and the Teach Climate Network are coming to your home this summer! Join...

NASA Webinar Series for Rural Educators
March 4 - NASA Webinar Series for Rural Educators ​ It is no secret that both girls and rural students are underrepresented in the STEM...

2021 Awards Recognition, Grant Awarding Ceremony and Town Hall Meeting - Please Join Us
Hello, WSST members! You are cordially invited to attend the virtual 2021 Awards Recognition, Grant Awarding Ceremony and Town Hall...

FDA Virtual, Summer Professional Development Program in Food Science
FDA Virtual, Summer Professional Development Program in Food Science Deadline for applying is May 15, 2021 The FDA Virtual Professional...

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