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Opportunities & Resources

20223 Essay Contest
Looking for a way to connect science and writing? Check out this great opportunity for your students. WSST and Wisconsin Water Week...

Wisconsin Science Education Leadership Association (WSELA)
The Wisconsin Science Education Leadership Association (WSELA) is an informal group of science educators that meets three times per year...

PhET Interactive Simulations
The PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations....

Lab Out Loud
Listen to Brian Bartel and Dale Basler discuss science news and science education with leading scientists, researchers, science writers,...

Apply for a $200 Front and Center Grant in Madison!
From the WSST Foundation, Front and Center grants will again be open for application at the WSST Conference. Applications should describe...

Equipment Adoption at Conference
Do you have science lab equipment, lab kits, or supplies that are not being used in your science classroom or science department? Bring...

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