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Standing Committees shall be established for and have the following liaison from the board:  June 2023 

  1. Awards and Recognition - District VII Director

  2. Conference - President

  3. Document Review - President Elect (President when there is no President Elect)

  4. Foundation - Retiring President (President when there is no Retiring President)

  5. Professional Development - District II Director

  6. Membership - District III Director

  7. Nominations and Elections - Secretary

  8. Publications - District I Director

  9. Strategic Planning - Retiring President (President when there is no Retiring President)

  10. Elementary Education - District VI Director

  11. Higher Education - District IV Director

  12. Wisconsin Science Education Leadership Association - President

  13. Wisconsin Earth Science Teachers Association - District III Director

  14. Equity and Access - District V Director

  15. Finance - CFO

WSST is the largest membership organization in Wisconsin focused on the advancement of science education.

Copyright 2016

WSST is a non-profit membership organization

192 Depot Road, Cambridge WI 53523


Board Intranet

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