2025 Board of Directors Candidates
President Elect: Terry Schwaller
Position Statement and your vision for WSST (not to exceed 400 words):
In my twenty-plus years as a member of the WSST, I have truly benefited from WSST’s community. At my first conference in 2004, I was hooked by the passion of the presenters and their willingness to share their experiences with the attendees. The theme “Building Better Avenues” certainly did just that, as I found a better path forward in my career and realized that I was not alone; there was a community of dedicated science education professionals willing to help support those of us in need. That support has paid huge dividends not just for me professionally, but also to the success of the students in my classroom. It has additionally taught me many valuable lessons, which I hope to share with others if selected as WSST President-Elect.
One lesson that I have learned is that while we may not see ourselves as leaders, we are in fact all leaders. If you are a part of WSST, you are part of an organization dedicated to being at the forefront of science education. Being a part of WSST, whether as a part of the leadership team, as a committee member, a conference presenter, or just as an attendee at the conference, you are making the choice to improve your own practice and science education for your students and colleagues. That makes you a leader in our profession.
I have also learned that nobody leads alone. Whether chairing a committee, serving as a district director, or as president, nobody leads in a vacuum. WSST’s leadership team is exactly that, a TEAM. Everyone contributes, supports, and works together towards a common goal. As document review chair and as awards and recognitions co-chair, I have experienced this first hand.
It is ultimately because of these experiences that I have decided to run for President-Elect of WSST.
As President-Elect I would like to work with our WSST Equity and Inclusion Committee to continue to find ways to make more K-12+ science educators feel welcome in attending and participating in WSST events. I’d also like to work with the WSST Board Directors and our WSST Affiliates to increase opportunities for our membership beyond the spring conference. It is also my vision to ensure that we continue to have programs in place to support science educators. We need to get the word out about our grant opportunities, the New Teacher Scholarship, and the New Teacher Network. We need to get the word out to members and non-members alike, in an effort to reach more science educators and bring them into our great organization.
My experiences with WSST have taught me so many lessons, and made me more passionate about being a science educator. These experiences have also increased my passion for working to support others in our field. Seeing all of the new, emerging leaders coming into WSST has continued to fuel my desire to contribute to the organization. I would be honored to do so as WSST President-Elect and then WSST President in the coming years.
Background Education:
Bachelor of Science in Broad Field Physical Science Secondary Education, UW-River Falls, 2003
Masters of Science in Curriculum and Instruction (Physics Emphasis), UW-Oshkosh, 2010
Present Teaching Assignment or employment:
Physics, Chemistry, and Physical Science Teacher
Shiocton High School, 2003-Present
Professional Activities (limit to 5):
Shiocton School District Mentoring Program Coordinator
WSST Document Review Chair
WSST 2026 Conference Co-Chair
WSST Finance Committee, member
WSST WINGS 2022-2025 Participant, Planning Committee, and/or Facilitator
Professional Organizations (limit to 5):
Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (WSST)
Wisconsin Science Education Leadership Association (WSELA)
National Science Teacher Association (NSTA)
American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA)
Phox Valley Physics Share Group
Interests (optional):
I enjoy hunting and fishing, and hiking in the fall/winter woods. As a big foodie I can often be found tinkering in the kitchen. I also nerd out over collecting comic books and Transformers figures. I’ve also been known to enjoy a good board game or game of cribbage!
District Director 1 Andrea Pokrzywinski
Position Statement and your vision for WSST (not to exceed 400 words):
I have a lifelong love for the study of science and nature. My teaching experience includes
many years in rural schools across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Alaska. As a rural teacher,
I have relied heavily on professional learning communities and organizations like WSST and
WINGS. These groups have been instrumental in helping me deepen my expertise as an
educator. Through their support, I have successfully integrated practices such as inquiry
learning, storylines, and service learning into my teaching methods.
I am deeply committed to giving back to the community that has supported me. This
commitment is reflected in my active role as a mentor and frequent conference presentations.
Sharing ideas, innovations, and experiences with peers enriches the broader educational
community and fuels my personal learning and growth.
I am dedicated to supporting educators in remote locations who may face unique challenges
but wish to cultivate a rich professional network. As a director, I will reach out to teachers
across our region, especially those new to science education, and connect them with valuable
networking opportunities and resources to enhance their professional journeys.
Background Education:
B.S in Biophysical Environmental Studies - Northland College
Masters In Education - University of Minnesota-Duluth
Present Teaching Assignment or employment: 9-12 Grade Science Teacher at Ashland
High School in Ashland, Wisconsin
Professional Activities (limit to 5):
Modern Classroom Project Mentor and Distinguished Educator
2024 Rivers2Lakes Cohort Teacher
2024 WINGS Participant
NSF (National Science Foundation) Outreach Educator (Summers 2015-2023)
Professional Organizations:
National Science Teacher Association (NSTA)
Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (WSST)
Alaska Science Teachers Association (ASTA)
Interests (optional): Art, photography, kayaking, and hiking.
District Director 4: Megan Sprague
Position Statement and your vision for WSST (not to exceed 400 words):
As a candidate for District 4 Director, I am committed to creating a community of science educators.
District 4 is full of passionate educators with untapped potential. I aim to bring our region closer
together through intentional collaboration, meaningful engagement, and impactful professional
development. Science education drives innovation, fosters critical thinking, and prepares students to be
informed citizens. However, teaching can sometimes feel like a solitary effort especially in many of ourDistrict 4 schools where there are only one or two science teachers. I want to change that by creating
opportunities where educators can connect, share ideas, celebrate successes, and work through
challenges as a team. I will do this by enhancing communication and outreach.
My vision as District Director is to cultivate a thriving community of science educators where I will:
1. Engage Our Region: Strengthen connections across schools and communities by organizing
regional events, such as baseball games, coffee talks, or visits to local nature parks to celebrate
local successes and address shared challenges.
2. Create a Culture of Collaboration and Advance Professional Development: Establish
platforms for teachers to connect, such as virtual roundtables, resource-sharing hubs, and
mentorship opportunities. To provide high-quality professional development opportunities
tailored to the unique needs of our educators in this area.
3. Champion Continuous Learning: Promote a mindset of lifelong learning among educators by
encouraging reflection, experimentation, and the integration of cutting-edge strategies in our
teaching. Working to engage current and new members of WSST by building a sense of
community and opportunities to grow together.
Together, we can create a vibrant community that drives positive change in science education. I’m
eager to collaborate with all of you and look forward to the meaningful work we can accomplish
Background Education: BS Biology and Environmental Science Masters of Education
Present Teaching Assignment or employment:
Onalaska High School Science Teacher (Botany, Food Science, Biotech, Wildlife, and
Professional Activities
1) Link Crew Advisor
2) Member of our district Science CSI Team
3) Presenter at NSTA and WSST conferences
4) Participated in Wisconsin Institute for Next Generation Science (WINGs)
Professional Organizations (limit to 5):
1) Member of Awards and Recognition Committee WSST
2) Member of New Teacher Committee WSST
3) Nourish the Future Teacher Leader and Coach
Interests (optional):
Hiking, Kayaking, Sewing, Swimming