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Presidents, WSST

1958-60--A.B. Stuebbe

1960-61--Roy Smith

1960-61--Roland Sprecher

1962-63--Ken Dowling

1963-64--Wayne Danass

1964-65--Ben Peacock

1965-66--Merlin Passow

1966-67--Thomas Ritzinger

1967-78--Cameron Smith

1968-69--Art Suhr

1969-70--Marv Meissen

1970-71--Bob Showers

1971-72--Ed Anderson

1972-73--Bob Gorges

1973-74--Jon Harkness

1974-75--LeRoy Lee

1975-76--Hal Liebherr

1976-77--Allan Hida

1977-78--Jim Jagler

1978-79--Jim Hein

1979-80--Sr. M. Michaela Melko

1980-81--Jan Wielert

1981-82--Len Dudkiewicz

1982-83--Doug Johnson

1983-84--Roger Wood

1984-85--Margaret Summerfield

1985-86--William Cary

1986-87--Gary Walz

1987-88--Al Hovey

1988-89--Bruce Smith

Presidents, WSST

1989-90--Frank Zuerner

1990-91--Rachel Egan

1991-92--John Whitsett

1992-93--Floyd Henschel

1993-94--Don Beyerly

1994-95--Floyd Henschel

1995-96--Sharon Nelson

1996-97--Steve Pike

1997-98--Dana Krejcarek

1998-99--Sue Whitsett

1999-2000--Don Lutz

2000-01--Gary Krueger

2001-02--Mark Poggensee

2002-03--Peter Watts

2003-04--Dick Seng

2004-05--Bob Boone

WSST began two year terms for the President 

2005-07--Dale Basler

2007-09--Brian Bartel

2009-11--Pat Arndt

2011-13--Kevin Niemi

2013-15--Kathy Cady

2015-17--Tammy Huenink

2017-19 -- Ray Scolavino

2019-21 -- Matt Lindsey 

2021-2022 -- Jay Guilikson 

2022- 2024 -- Kristin Michalske 


WSST is the largest membership organization in Wisconsin focused on the advancement of science education.

Copyright 2016

WSST is a non-profit membership organization

192 Depot Road, Cambridge WI 53523


Board Intranet

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