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Rumford Memorial


The Rumford Memorial Award was established to showcase  a science teacher that has been a member of WSST for at least 10 years, made Presentations at least once during the spring convention, served productively for at least 4 years as an officer, committee chair or district representative. 


Past Recipients:

2020 Bob Boon 

2019 Tammy Huenink 

2017 Rodney Dymesich 

2016 Brian Bartel

2015 Ray Scolavino

2014 Dr George O’Hearn

2013 Bob Nold

2011 Rachel Egan

2010 Mark Poggensee

2009 Jim Huhn

2008 Julie Fitzpatrick

2007 Kara Pezzi

2006 Denise McCulley

WSST is the largest membership organization in Wisconsin focused on the advancement of science education.

Copyright 2016

WSST is a non-profit membership organization

192 Depot Road, Cambridge WI 53523


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