Utilizing Water Elements at Your School Forest

Utilizing Water Elements at Your School Forest
Tuesday, April 9th (6:00 pm) to Wednesday, April 10th (2:00 pm)
Treehaven Field Station, Tomahawk
Water health and forest ecosystems go hand-in-hand, and school forests provide many opportunities for engaging students in learning about their environment. Join LEAF at Treehaven Field Station in Tomahawk and become inspired to teach about water at your school forest, or other local site. Participants will receive an overview of a variety of resources and curricula, including the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network, Water Action Volunteers, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Project WET and Project Learning Tree, LEAF, and the UWSP Center for Land Use Education. Participants will also learn about using student-built Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) for underwater exploration. (Note: participants who do not have a registered school forest are more than welcome to sign up!)
This two-day event will begin at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 9th with dinner and an evening talk on Wisconsin Fish and Aquaponics, as part of Treehaven’s Dinner and a Speaker series. We will wrap up on Wednesday, April 10th at 2:00 pm. All meals, dorm style lodging, registration for the speaker, and professional development costs will be covered by LEAF. In addition, participants will receive a $100 stipend (paid to their school) for travel and other associated costs; substitute reimbursement up to $125 is also available.
Please register here by Monday, April 1st. Contact Nicole.Filizetti@uwsp.edu with any questions.