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Deadlines Near for Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom Summer Trainings

Deadlines Near for Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom Summer Trainings

MADISON – Teachers of all subjects and grade levels and Ag in the Classroom volunteers are encouraged to register now for summer Ag in the Classroom trainings.

Attendees will learn to incorporate agricultural concepts into their curricula, network with fellow educators and obtain free resources for students and classrooms.

Contact: Darlene Arneson, Agriculture in the Classroom Coordinator 608.828.5644

Bus Tour

July 15-16

Taylor County

Jump on the bus as it takes you on agricultural stops in Taylor County. The cost is $75 per person and opportunities for credit will be offered.

This year’s stops include: Crass Sawmill, Inc., Medford High School Agriculture Department and barn, Hemlock Hills Trophy Ranch, LLC, Stone Acres Farm, Heil Ginseng, Inc., Riesterer & Schnell John Deere dealership, Peissig’s JTP Robotic Dairy and Meyer Manufacturing Corporation.

Graduate credits are available through Concordia University. The syllabus and other information can be found at The registration deadline is June 14 and the tour is limited to 48 participants.

One-Day Training Sessions

Tuesday, July 9 – 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

West Madison Research Station, Madison

The training will begin at the West Madison Research Station with presentations from the Wisconsin Beef Council, Wisconsin Pork Association, Discover Mediaworks and Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom’s Book of the Year will be selected during this event. In the afternoon, attendees will travel the O.J. Noer facility and be able to participate in a hands-on activity. The registration deadline is June 30.

Wednesday, July 31 – 9:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Neville Public Museum, Green Bay

This training will feature presentations by the Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin and Brown County Dairy Promotions. A tour of the Neville Public Museum and their resources will be part of the afternoon program. There will also be an overview of the resources available through Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom, National Ag in the Classroom and the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. The registration deadline is July 15.

For more information any of these training opportunities, contact the Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom Coordinator at 608.828.5644 or To register for any of these events, visit and click on the ‘What’s New’ icon.

Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program provides teachers and K-12 students with an understanding of how their food is produced. The program seeks to work within existing curricula to provide basic information on our nation’s largest industry: agriculture. Wisconsin’s Ag in the Classroom program is carried out by a network of local educators, volunteers and representatives from agricultural organizations and businesses. The goal of the program is to help students gain a greater awareness of the role agriculture plays in the economy and society, so that they may become citizens who support wise agricultural policies.

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