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WSST Position Available - Chief Operating Officer (COO)

WSST Position Available - Chief Operating Officer (COO)

The Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (WSST) is searching for a Chief Operational Officer (COO). The responsibilities of the COO include: attending and setting up the logistics for all WSST Board Meetings; attending all Board Chats (monthly); helping all new board members and committee chairs with their roles within the organization; maintaining membership records within Wild Apricot; maintain a full record of official business, actions, meetings, and WSST Documents (Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies); maintain an organized Google Drive of said records; publish the quarterly Newsletter or delegate to Newsletter Editor; create all name tags for the annual conference, update memberships, and work the registration booth at the annual conference; evaluate all stipended positions except for COO/CFO; work under the supervision of the President; and work with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of WSST.

Applicants should be tech savvy; possess time management, organization, cooperation, and communicative skills; and want to help advance science education in Wisconsin.

The COO will receive a stipend of $4000 annually in two installments for fulfilling their responsibilities to the organization.

To apply please send your resume and a cover letter to by May 1, 2020.

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WSST is the largest membership organization in Wisconsin focused on the advancement of science education.

Copyright 2016

WSST is a non-profit membership organization

192 Depot Road, Cambridge WI 53523


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