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Great Lakes Great Lessons

Watch WSST pre-recorded webinar by Gary Abud from Detroit Public Television: STEM learning with Public Television for project-based learning, remote learning, and citizen science to help students explore the Great Lakes and engage with environmental science problems around the world.

This webinar focused on, and included learning resources from, the documentary film Inventing Tomorrow and the monthly television show Great Lakes Now. Here is a link to the educational materials, lessons and activities from the documentary film Inventing Tomorrow, which was discussed during the webinar and shared with teachers to use with their students and explore. There's even a citizen science challenge that classrooms will be able to check out here. Great Lakes Learning is a collection of free lessons, activities, and blended learning resources all about the Great Lakes from Detroit Public Television and Great Lakes Now. This collection for students in grades 5-9 aims to help students engage students with the science and study of the Great Lakes by becoming familiar with geologic, geographic, and environmental concepts about the Great Lakes, as well as providing them the opportunity to evaluate contemporary issues facing the lakes.

Link to Webinar via pre-recorded zoom

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