2021 Menominee Adventure Field Experience - MESTA and WSST - August 2-5, 2021

Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association (MESTA) has invited all members of WSST to join them on their 2021 Menominee Adventure Field Trip Experience (August 2-5) that will feature stops and events in and around Iron Mountain, MI. Highlights include: Hiking rock outcrops and collecting rocks and minerals, White water rafting (Class IV rapids), Mining history (underground mine tour; largest pump in North America), Menominee River area geology (volcanic, tectonic, faulting, minerals), Erosional features (oxbow lakes, river meanders, drumlin fields), New Back Forty Mine under development (metallic sulfides; Environmental protection, hydrology), Meet with fellow educators and scientists; fun outdoor activities; learn more about science in our natural world. This is designed to be family friendly. Most activities will be centered around Iron Mountain, MI if you are interested in either camping or staying in a local hotel.
For more information, contact Dave Chapman of MESTA at: chapmand@comcast.net
Download the registration pdf: Menominee_Registration_Form.pdf
or Word doc: Menominee_Registration_Form.docx