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Calling all EARTH Science Teachers and Rock Enthusiasts

Calling all EARTH science teachers and rock enthusiasts to join WESTA on August 14th, 2024, near Wausau, WI to participate in a dig for moonstone - a type of feldspar unique to Wisconsin - see link to learn more about the location and use the SIGN UP link below to join WESTA. 

All current WSST members are eligible to participate in this field trip at no cost to you - WESTA will pay for entry fee including one bucket (20lbs) of your finds to bring home with you to share in your classrooms. 


*Time for collaboration and building connections with other Earth science teachers around the state as well as new this trip - onsite geologist and mineral enthusiasts to help teachers as we dig and find interesting rocks, to educate group on site and will include resources to use in your classroom.


Feel free to bring and pay for any additional members of your party such as family and friends. Please indicate at bottom of the form if you plan to bring anyone else and we can let the owners of the site know for a total count for the day, bring cash or local check to pay for additional members. 


Brought to you by WESTA - Wisconsin Earth Science Teachers Association - a committee of WSST  

field trip SIGN up   link - 



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WSST is the largest membership organization in Wisconsin focused on the advancement of science education.

Copyright 2016

WSST is a non-profit membership organization

192 Depot Road, Cambridge WI 53523


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