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Darwin Day Roadshow

The Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (TriCEM) is gearing up for a "Darwin Day Roadshow" this February, and we want you to be a part of it! What is the Darwin Day Roadshow? To celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday (February 12th), scientists hit the road to bring evolutionary science to schools and communities. Our teams talk to students, teachers, and the general public about their research, career opportunities in science, and why evolutionary science is relevant to everyone. These visits are completely FREE, and we even leave behind a collection of resources to enhance the teaching of evolution in the classroom. What is a typical Roadshow visit like? We work with host teachers (i.e. you!) to design an event that best serves their school and community. There is no "typical" visit; both the particular topic and format are flexible to meet specific needs. How do I apply? You can learn more about the Roadshow at When you're ready, apply here by the deadline of midnight on Monday, December 7th, 2020. Since we work with host teachers to plan successful events, we are looking for enthusiastic applicants who will show creativity and initiative in working with us to coordinate the visit. *Note: Due to this year's unique circumstances, there's a high likelihood that all visits will be done virtually. For North Carolina applicants, we may be able to do in-person visits depending on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, plus relevant travel and group event policies and guidelines. If you have any questions, contact Meredith Spence Beaulieu ( Looking forward to visiting you soon on the Roadshow!



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