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NASA 3-D Thursdays

We are back for our fifth season of 3-D Thursday

for rural educators! We are excited to invite you to upcoming episodes that highlight NASA science, education opportunities, and new resources. 

Join hosts Dr. Rachael Arens, Associate Researcher at NAU PLANETS and Luke Henke, Education Advisor for NASA HEAT, on Thursday, Nov. 7th at 7pm CT/ 8pm ET as they welcome Mike Taylor from the NASA STELLA Team to learn how to build low-cost spectrophotometers and 3-D printed housings to introduce Earth observation technologies. 


Access registration here!


  Access past 3-D Thursday Episodes

We are pleased to share our past episodes with you from our updated NASA SciAct Rural Page. Feel free to watch former episodes and reach out to the guests for further resource information.


We hope to see you all on Nov. 7th!


Dr. Rachael A. Arens, Ed.D.

Research Associate for NAU PLANETS 

AFA/Rolls Royce 2020 National Teacher of the Year

U.S. Presidential Award for Environmental Education

Twitter: @ArensRachael



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