Teach Wisconsin Climate Education Hub

Monday, February 24, 5:30 - 6:30 PM learn about how free resources in the Teach Wisconsin Climate Education Hub can help any educator connect their curriculum to climate action. Register
Classrooms, schools, and districts can play the online Cool Choices game during the month of April. Cool Choices in Green & Healthy Schools seeks to make sustainable choices the norm by making them fun, social and easy through an online game that
inspires and assists school communities to take actions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more
Looking to get OUTSIDE this spring? Join us for our remaining "Schoolyard Explorations" and "Green & Healthy Schools in Action" webinars for ideas and resources!
Monday, February 24, 4-5 PM, engage in Pollinator Possibilities with Sandy Benton from FIELD Edventures as we explore plantings and activities on school grounds to support learning. Register
Wednesday, March 5, 4-5 PM learn with 2024 Teacher of the Year Brian Collins to see how he integrates bird education and the Great Wisconsin Birdathon into his classes. Register
Thursday, March 6, 4-5 PM learn about how the Green Schools Consortium of Milwaukee transforms schoolyards from asphalt to ecosystems. Register
Thursday, April 3, 4-5 PM learn about "Nature Near and Far: Digging into School Sites" with LEAF. Register
Wednesday, April 16, 4-5 PM learn with 2024 Teacher of the Year Brian Counselman and Elizabeth Braatz from the Wisconsin DNR to explore the world of bees! Register