Teaching the European Green Deal

Teaching the European Green Deal: Science, Economics, Policy Registration link: https://go.illinois.edu/SCW2021Registration Registration is now open for a 3-day summer curriculum workshop for K-14 educators, organized by the European Union Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. This year's workshop theme is "Teaching the European Green Deal: Science, Economics, Policy," and the workshop will be held online from Tuesday, June 29 to Thursday, July 1, 10 A.M. - 1 P.M. CDT. All participants will receive a certificate of completion, and Illinois teachers may receive 8 Professional Development Hours (PDH). There is no cost to attend.
Since 2005, the European Union Center has organized in-person and virtual summer curriculum workshops designed for K-12 and community college educators to develop a more effective curriculum on the European Union. These materials may be incorporated into a variety of courses, such as foreign language, world geography, world cultures, world/US history, politics, economics, science, and business. While all K-16 educators are welcome, the curriculum materials are geared mainly towards high school and community college education.
The 2021 summer curriculum workshop will feature lectures and lesson planning strategy sessions presented by university faculty and experienced K-12 teachers. Session topics include the economics of climate change; running a world climate simulation using the C-ROADS computer model; and strategies for incorporating climate science into the curriculum. For more information and the full workshop schedule, see here.