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Together for Birds: Activities for Educators

Join us for this short educator workshop to explore Project Learning Tree’s new activity collection, Together for Birds. Designed for grades K-2 and including adaptations for 3rd-5th, Together for Birds makes place-based education easy and exciting. Through this collection of activities, elementary students explore the birds and other organisms that live on or around your school site. In doing so, they also consider how this habitat provides the food, water, shelter, and space these organisms need to live. Participants in this workshop will also have an opportunity to meet the resident birds of prey at Open Door Bird Sanctuary, strengthening your understanding of these fascinating creatures. You will receive electronic access to "Together for Birds," as well as PDF handouts.

Tuesday, June 27th from 9:30 – 11:00 am

Open Door Bird Sanctuary, Jacksonport

Cost: $6.00. Register here.



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