
December 1—Race and Bias: How to Engage All STEM Learners (Presenter: Contessa Akintunji)
In this webinar, we will uncover innovative approaches towards equitable pathways into STEM and learn practical ways to engage every student in STEM, including those of historically underrepresented backgrounds.
December 8—Integrating Science in ELA via Language Routines (Presenter: Lisa Larsgaard)
In this interactive webinar, you will hear how science class can be used to support ELA. Six SCALE Language Routines will be explored, allowing you to help your students make more sense of science and phenomena.
December 15—Students Becoming Scientists: Promoting Student Agency (Presenter: Christopher Borjas)
In this engaging webinar, participants will be given practical examples of putting students in the role of scientists and guiding their instruction. Participate in the process of building student scientists, no matter the grade!