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WSST Core Strategic Plan - October 2023




All Wisconsin students engage in meaningful and relevant three-dimensional science learning that prepares them to use valid evidence to make sense of the world and solve current and future problems. 




Excellent science learning for every student! 




WSST provides a welcoming collaborative network, useful resources, and professional learning to support all Wisconsin science educators in delivering high quality instruction. 




As members of the Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, we believe that: 

  • every student can learn the science they need to be critical thinkers and make a difference in the world around them; 

  • a membership that is representative of all students and all science educators in Wisconsin is vital to our mission ­- our strength is in our diversity; 

  • a network that welcomes and provides both learning and leadership opportunities for all educators will result in better outcomes for all students; and,

  • together we can have a positive impact on public policy decisions that affect science education. 




  • WSST will enhance marketing and outreach efforts to better recruit and retain  members from across the state, especially from underrepresented groups. 

  • WSST will increase professional learning opportunities beyond the conference to better serve and retain members. 

  • WSST will continue to ensure organizational sustainability through financial planning and new leadership development. 

  • WSST will continue to work to make the annual conference more welcoming and inclusive.

WSST is the largest membership organization in Wisconsin focused on the advancement of science education.

Copyright 2016

WSST is a non-profit membership organization

192 Depot Road, Cambridge WI 53523


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